2013 Christmas-gift-project was much delayed. We tried to buy the cloths
we wanted to hand out, before Christmas – but it was too expensive. We waited
therefor until January before we bought and didn’t get the chance to hand it
out before end of February. I wondered why – but I think God had a meaning to
it. In February there were five families that lost everything in a big fire in
one of the villages we wanted to share the clothes. Now, the leaders of this
villages decided that their part should all be given to those family.
So maybe
God wanted it to be so, so that these families could be encouraged and get a
salutation from God in all their trouble.
We handed out gifts as we told them of the greatest gift of all…

Packing cloths...
Meeting in Ker Djiby. Who should recieve the cloths? The leaders decided that the five families that souffered from house-fire, should share all.
On of the elders in the village, that I have learned to know.
Children are helping their parents preparing the millets
Someone that got a Christmaspresant in February
The heat was so high that some of the houses collapsed totally
Fortunately noone got injured...
...but the smell of something burned was still strong