Our pastor planted mais (corn) last sumer and we helped him during the harvest. It was cool to do this work, even if both arms and leggs became all red of itching rashes. And I have to tell you that Mama Florence tought us how to harvest mor effectly - she dubled up the speed with a cutlass. The pastor said that she has to come back and work next year. So I'm thinking of being her manager and let people rent her for their harvest. I'll make loads of money...
torsdag 24. oktober 2013
Innhøsting av mais
Pastoren plantet mais og peanøtter i sommer og vi var med under innhøstningen. Det var gøy å være med på, selv om armene og beina var fulle av kløende utslett etterpå. Så må vi få med at Mama Florence kunne lære oss andre å høste inn mais dobbelt så raskt med en sånn svær sabel.. Så pastoren sa at hun må komme tilbake under neste innhøstning! Jeg tror jeg skal vare manageren hennes og leie henne ut til høy pris!
Our pastor planted mais (corn) last sumer and we helped him during the harvest. It was cool to do this work, even if both arms and leggs became all red of itching rashes. And I have to tell you that Mama Florence tought us how to harvest mor effectly - she dubled up the speed with a cutlass. The pastor said that she has to come back and work next year. So I'm thinking of being her manager and let people rent her for their harvest. I'll make loads of money...
Our pastor planted mais (corn) last sumer and we helped him during the harvest. It was cool to do this work, even if both arms and leggs became all red of itching rashes. And I have to tell you that Mama Florence tought us how to harvest mor effectly - she dubled up the speed with a cutlass. The pastor said that she has to come back and work next year. So I'm thinking of being her manager and let people rent her for their harvest. I'll make loads of money...